How To Build a Sunday Reset Routine To Prepare You For a Productive and Balanced Week

Notes by Thalia
9 min readJan 23, 2023


Building a Sunday reset routine is essential for creating balance and gaining a sense of control over your life.

Taking the time to regroup, reflect, readjust and recharge will help you to remain focused and productive during the week.

It can also prepare you for whatever challenges life has in store for you that week.

Here’s everything you need to know about building a Sunday reset routine that works best for you.

Aesthetic stock image of a white plant pot which says “flowers and garden” that sits upon a bed with white duvet covers. The image is purely for decorative use only to support the blog post on the Sunday Reset Routine.

What is a Sunday reset routine?

Just like we spend January resetting our entire lives, a Sunday reset routine is a day dedicated to preparing for the week ahead.

This time can be used to regroup after a long week, reflect on what went well and what didn’t, readjust things where necessary and recharge.

It’s important to give yourself the time and space to reset and reflect on the week ahead as doing so will help you to better manage your time, prioritise your goals, and stay productive.

Taking care of necessary chores such as laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping and housework, etc. are also things to consider adding to your Sunday reset routine. Basically, any chores that you don’t have time to do during the week can be done on this day. These activities help you to stay organised and in control so you can invest your energy and focus on the things that actually matter during the week and not get distracted.

It’s also important to start the week feeling refreshed and well-rested.

Rest is essential in allowing you to be productive and truly thrive so make sure you also spend time on your Sunday relaxing or indulging in self-care.

“Sundays are great to take the time and space for yourself; to recollect your thoughts and energy and to prepare yourself for the week ahead.”

Dannielle Haig | Stylist Online

The benefits of a Sunday reset routine

Before we dive into the crux of this blog post, let’s first look at the many benefits of having a routine in general so you can familiarise yourself with how it can help support you and your needs.

This will also give you the motivation you need to build or stick to your Sunday reset routine.

Any routine that you build for yourself will help to boost productivity and focus as well as skyrocket your organisation.

A routine provides structure to your day so you know exactly what you are doing when you wake up. This in turn limits procrastination as you won’t spend hours pointlessly scrolling on social media as you figure out what to do with your day.

Routines also support your overall mental health and well-being so you can avoid burnout.

A reset routine in particular is the best recipe for the “Sunday Scaries”. Following a nourishing Sunday routine can help to reduce stress and anxiety as your focus is on doing things that help you to relax and find calm.

Benefits of a Sunday reset routine include:

  • Prepares you for the week ahead
  • Boosts focus and productivity
  • Gives you structure for your Sunday
  • Limits procrastination
  • Keeps you organised and in control of your week
  • Reduces stress and overwhelm
  • Supports your overall mental health and well-being
  • Boosts confidence when taking on life’s challenges
  • Helps ease the anxiety often felt on Sunday nights
  • Makes Monday less daunting

“Creating routines and patterns of behaviour that make you feel well and boost your confidence and self-efficacy is important. Seeing this as a personal experiment helps you find the right ingredients for your wellbeing.”

Dannielle Haig | Stylist Magzine

How to build a Sunday reset routine

There is no specific Sunday reset routine to follow. Instead, it is up to you to build one that works for you.

Remember to not just copy what you see on social media as what works for that particular person might not necessarily serve you.

Set your intention first of what you want to achieve from your Sunday reset routine and go from there.

I encourage you to bookmark this page so you can refer back to it whenever you need to.

1 | Set your intention

Whenever you build something new, it’s important to establish an intention first.

Ask yourself, “What am I looking to achieve from this Sunday reset routine?”

Is it to gain better control over a busy and hectic weekly schedule?

Or to spend more time taking care of your well-being by dedicating the day to self-care.

Maybe it is so you can boost productivity and focus so you are not distracted by meaningless household chores and tasks.

Whatever your intention is, write it down and use this as the basis of your routine.

It’s so important that you do not skip this step because once you’ve figured out your intention, you can better map out what your Sunday is going to look like. You can use it to learn what chores need to be done, how to plan your week and what self-care activities you need to make you feel good.

2 | Split your Sunday up into 3 sections

Getting started with anything new can be overwhelming and stressful, to begin with.

That is why I recommend splitting the day up into sections to make your Sunday easier to navigate.

For example, my Sunday reset routine looks a little bit like this:

*Use this as inspiration to create your own sections or if it works for you then feel free to do this

  • Morning = Chores
  • Afternoon = Plan
  • Evening = Relax

Morning is the time I would spend on chores. This could be getting my laundry done, tidying up my personal spaces, and doing any life admin that needs to be done like booking flights or accommodation.

Once my physical space feels fresh and my mental space is decluttered, I can breathe more clearly and sit down to plan.

And then the evening is free for me to relax and indulge in self-care.

It’s important to note that this routine can change from Sunday to Sunday depending on what I have going on in my life. Sometimes my reset routine will happen on a Monday if I have plans at the weekend.

I build all of my routines to be flexible rather than set in stone as it helps me to better balance my life and not get overwhelmed.

Don’t try to overcomplicate things. Keep your routine simple so if you do need to move things around for any reason you can do it seamlessly.

What I mean by this is to not fill up every hour of your day with a task. I don’t recommend you do this in your weekly schedule so why should your Sunday routine be any different?

Leave some white space throughout your day. And don’t make your routine an all-day event if you don’t want it to be or if you have other things on.

Remember, focus on your needs first and do what you need to do the most to help get you ready for the week ahead.

3 | Map out your rituals and activities

Although I’ve made a list of popular Sunday reset rituals below, I encourage you to build your own list.

Because what works for others, might not necessarily work for you. And there might be loads of other rituals that serve you better, so do what is best for you.

Start by making a list of annoying tasks that you constantly put off like cleaning the windows and changing the bedsheets, etc.

Then write down any others tasks that will help you feel prepared as you enter a new week such as writing your to-do list, etc.

Once you’ve mapped out these two lists, you then want to make another list of calming activities that help you to nourish your mind and body such as meditating or journaling, etc.

Split up these lists into groups.

You can again use the above sections (or your own) to organise your rituals.

  • Chores = annoying tasks that you never have time for
  • Plan = tasks that help you feel prepared for a new week
  • Relax = calming activities that nourish your mind and body

Once you have a big list of rituals and activities, you can add them to your routine each Sunday depending on what you need that week.

35 rituals to add to your Sunday reset routine

Not sure what type of activities and rituals to add to your Sunday reset routine?

Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

N.B. Don’t try to fit them all into your Sunday as you’ll just wind up feeling overwhelmed and even more busy than the rest of the week. Instead, keep it simple and focus on your needs first.

  1. Meal plan for your week
  2. Stock up on groceries and healthy snacks
  3. Clear out and clean the fridge
  4. Do the laundry
  5. Change your bedsheets and towels
  6. Set intentions for the week ahead
  7. Do a deep clean
  8. Clean the windows, mirrors and other hard-to-get-to surfaces
  9. Hoover
  10. Tidy up your personal spaces
  11. Wipe down your laptop, especially the screen and keyboard
  12. Water your plants
  13. Bin dead flowers and put out fresh flowers
  14. Dedicate time to financial wellness practices such as paying the bills and figuring out your weekly budget
  15. Life admin
  16. Get your desk ready for Monday
  17. Plan out your outfits for the week
  18. Reflect and journal on your wins from the past week
  19. Plan the upcoming week
  20. Write your weekly to-do list (use The 135 rule to tackle overwhelm)
  21. Break down bigger monthly goals into daily actions
  22. Declutter your desktop and other digital admin e.g. unread emails, unsubscribe from irrelevant email lists, etc
  23. Tidy up your phone e.g. deleting random pictures or screenshots, deleting unused apps, etc
  24. List down your top priorities for the week
  25. Schedule non-work activities into your week
  26. Sleep in and wake up slowly
  27. Indulge in self-care like having a long bath, pampering or reading your favourite book
  28. Take a nap
  29. Practice gratitude
  30. Call a loved one or friend
  31. Exercise for longer than usual
  32. Go on an extra-long walk
  33. Spend quality time in the evening with your family, loved one or by yourself (aka put your phone away)
  34. Keep a low profile and stay off social media for the day
  35. Listen to a Sunday Reset Playlist on Spotify (my version is coming soon)

Final thoughts

I hope this post on how to build a Sunday reset routine has been helpful.

You might already be familiar with this particular practice as it is currently doing the rounds on TikTok.

I’m not someone who promotes trends that they don’t believe in. For example, the only time you’ll see me write about “That Girl” is when I’m debunking her rather than showing you “how to” become her.

But I believe that resetting and recharging every Sunday can help you to become your healthiest, most productive, and balanced self.

And that is why I chose to write this blog post on this topic.

However, I also want you to be mindful of viral trends as they aren’t always going to serve you.

Remember that wellness is all about doing things that make you feel good both inside and out.

And if you’d rather spend your Sunday hanging out with friends rather than resetting then you do you.

No influencer can tell you how best to live your life (or spend your Sundays for that matter).

Do what works best for you always.

Until next week,

♡ Thalia xx



Notes by Thalia
Notes by Thalia

Written by Notes by Thalia

Here to help you mindfully navigate and balance your day. Notes on self-care, mindful productivity, mental well-being and wellness.

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